Creating an organisational culture of gender equality and diversity

EQT: The workplace trainings Even today, women continue to make less money than men on average, remain underrepresented in top management positions, and are much more likely to experience bias or harassment in the workplace. EQT arms you with the tools you need to recognise and call out gender bias and make this world a […]
Responding to sexism in an informed and effective way

The creative and strategy agency Ellery Studio and the research institute IKEM are advocating for a culture of inclusion and diversity in the workplace with the newly introduced resource collection “EQT: The Gender Equality Toolkit for Working Women and Friends.” This initiative aims to foster a working environment characterized by mutual respect, equal opportunities, and […]
Transformative strategies for a climate-positive planet

The 20th annual IKEM Academy ‘Energy and Climate’ brought together 38 participants from 21 countries in Berlin on 3-7 July to develop common ideas for paths towards a climate-positive planet. The workshops, lectures and excursions unpacked innovative ideas and strategies to reach our climate targets on time, from policy and litigation to participation and science […]
Driving gender equality: recommendations for more gender-responsive mobility

The distinct needs and experiences of women and men are rarely taken into account in mobility and infrastructure planning, write Katharina Csillak and Sophie Kamenz in a recent analysis. The IKEM researchers propose ways to increase gender equality in practice, using the development of electric charging infrastructure as a case study. ‘Statistics show that most […]
Ethics Monitoring Report

EQT: Das Gender Equality Toolkit