Interplan SES

Investitionsplanung und -finanzierung und deren Zusammenspiel bei der Transformation des deutschen Energiesystems zur Klimaneutralität

Simon Großmann, LL.M.
Simon Großmann is a research associate in the Energy Law department at IKEM. He studied law at the Leibniz University of Hanover. After completing his first state examination, he worked as a research assistant for two law firms in commercial law. He then completed a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Public International Law with a […]
Dekarbonisierung und Planungsrecht

Johannes Graetschel, LL.M.
Johannes Graetschel is a Senior Research Associate in IKEM’s Energy Law Department. He studied law in Freiburg and Rio de Janeiro. After the first state examination, Johannes completed an LL.M. in the field of European and international law at Católica Global School of Law in Lisbon and at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. He completed […]
Strategische kommunale Wärmeplanung