The Energy Trilemma in the Baltic Sea Region: Security, Equity and the Environment
EOWIN: Energiewende vor Ort – regionale Wertschöpfung und Innovationsnarrative
Region of the future: Economic potential of renewable energies in Brandenburg
With around 4,000 wind turbines, 61,500 photovoltaic systems and 454 biogas plants, Brandenburg had the highest value of installed renewable capacity per inhabitant in Germany in 2023. IKEM has now conducted a study to examine the economic potential of this energy infrastructure for the region in detail. In this interview, Dàmir Belltheus Avdic, Head of […]
Rethinking the heating transition: digitalization as a driver for a sustainable energy transition
The next edition of the Forum Wärmewende on October 10, 2024 will focus on how digital technologies and innovative approaches can drive the heating transition forward to ensure an environmentally friendly and efficient energy supply. The speakers of the evening are Paul Aye and Tobias Lerche (ENEKA), Dieter Kehren (Federal Association of the German Heating […]
Klima und Recht (07/2024)
Energieeffizienz und Lastflexibilität: Chancen und Herausforderungen
In einer Zeit, in der die Komplexität des Energiemarkts und die Anforderungen an eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung steigen, spielt die industrielle Lastflexibilität eine entscheidende Rolle. Beim kommenden Berliner Energiestammtisch wollen wir in dieses Thema eintauchen. Wir sind zu Gast bei enervis energy advisors, einer renommierten Beratungsagentur in der Energiebranche, die ihre Kund:innen dabei unterstützt, fundierte und zukunftsweisende […]
A way ahead for Ukraine’s energy sector and climate action
For more than two years now, Ukraine has been defying the Russian invasion and the many associated challenges – including in the energy sector. For this newsletter, we spoke to our colleague Ievgeniia Kopytsia about the impact of the war on climate protection, the country’s impressive goals for decarbonizing its energy sector and the cooperation […]