The European energy transition from a comparative law perspective

IKEM-Direktor Prof. Dr. Michael Rodi bei der IKEM-Jahrestagung 2022

The University of Greifswald hosted the International Academic Conference on Comparative Perspectives on the Law of Energy Transition in Europe on 16–17 March 2023. The conference, which was spearheaded by Prof. Johannes Saurer of the University of Tübingen and Prof. Dr. Michael Rodi of IKEM/University of Greifswald/IFZO, examined comparative perspectives on energy transition laws across […]

Revision of the Spatial Planning Act


The federal government has introduced a new version of the Spatial Planning Act (Raumordnungsgesetz, ROG) to speed up the planning and approval procedures for wind energy projects and promote the expansion of renewables. Although IKEM welcomes this legislative initiative, the planned changes raise concerns, in particular because their implementation may lead to new delays in […]