Coloring the Energy Transition

IKEM teamed up with the design agency Ellery Studio to develop the first-of-its-kind Infographic Energy Transition Coloring Book! The book tells the story of climate change and the energy transition in Germany in an accessible and lighthearted way, packed in a series of playful infographics to be colored in by you! 

There is a great deal of data about the dire effects of climate change on our planet, but much of the information on mitigation technologies and policy changes being developed to combat climate change is written in dense language. The reports of agencies and governments are full of technical talk, acronyms and jargon, and quantitative concepts that can be difficult to wrap your head around. Citizens must overcome these barriers to effectively participate in decision-making.

In response to this need, IKEM and Ellery Studio developed the Infographic Energy Transition Coloring Book, a physical tool that helps break down Germany’s move towards clean energy, and illustrate the route for other countries seeking to cut back carbon emissions. The book is the result of a collaborative endeavor begun in summer of 2017. IKEM brought in a team with a great deal of scientific expertise and Ellery Studio translated their research into visuals that can easily be understood and engaged with.

The idea to create a coloring book grew from the renaissance of adult coloring books connected to a need to bring tactile pursuits back in the lives of people who spend most of their time on digital devices. The Infographic Energy Transition Coloring Book therefore promotes mindfulness and creativity combined with education and entertainment.

You can order the coloring book at

Book Launch Party

Further Information

Order the Coloring Book: Link
Ellery Studio: Link

Anika Nicolaas Ponder
Magazinstraße 15-16 , D-10179 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 40 81 87 015


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.