Prof. Dr. Thorsten Beckers


Prof. Dr. Thorsten Beckers

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Beckers

Member of the Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Beckers

Member of the Advisory Board

Thorsten Beckers studied Industrial Engineering and Management at the TU Berlin and at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid from 1996 to 2002 (majoring in Transportation, specializing in Transport Logistics). From 2002 to 2005 he was a research assistant at the Department of Economic and Infrastructure Policy (WIP) at the TU Berlin. In 2005 he received his doctorate (Dr. rer. oec.) at the TU Berlin – Faculty of Economics and Management.

From 2005 to 2007, Thorsten Beckers was managing director at the Research Centre Network Industries and Infrastructure (CNI) at the TU Berlin and project manager and staff member at the Department of Economic and Infrastructure Policy (WIP), where he has also been a visiting professor and assistant professor since 2007. From 2009 to 2014, he was (junior) professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management at the TU Berlin, where he headed the working group Infrastructure Economics and Management at the Department of Economic and Infrastructure Policy (WIP). From 2014 to 2015 he was a visiting researcher at the Speyer Research Institute for Public Administration (FÖV). From 2015 to 2019 Prof. Beckers was again employed at the Faculty of Economics and Management at the TU Berlin, where he was responsible for the (teaching and research) area of Infrastructure Management and Transport Policy, which is part of the Department of Economic and Infrastructure Policy (WIP).

Since 2019, Thorsten Beckers has been head of the Infrastructure Economics and Management (WIM) professorship at Bauhaus University Weimar. At the IKEM, Prof. Beckers is active on an honorary basis as a member of the strategic and scientific advisory board. He is particularly involved in strategic questions concerning the interdisciplinary (research) orientation of the institute at the interface between jurisprudence and (institutional) economics and, to that extent, also in the scientific management of the IKEM.


Cover der Studie Energiewende, Sektorenkopplung und Infrastrukturen
Vorwerk, Lukas; Beckers, Thorsten; Westphal, Marten; Bieschke, Nils; Hermes, Georg

Energiewende, Sektorenkopplung und Infrastrukturen

Eine institutionenökonomische Analyse der zukünftigen (Infrastruktur-)Planung und Finanzierung unter Berücksichtigung juristischer Aspekte. Erstellt im Rahmen des Projekts AIRE.
Cover der Studie Investitionsplanung und -finanzierung und deren Zusammenspiel bei der Transformation des deutschen Energiesystems zur Klimaneutralität
Vorwerk, Lukas; Beckers, Thorsten; Rodi, Michael; Weidinger, Roman

Investitionsplanung und -finanzierung und deren Zusammenspiel bei der Transformation des deutschen Energiesystems zur Klimaneutralität

Eine (institutionen-)ökonomisch-juristische Analyse. Erstellt im Rahmen des Projekts Ariadne.
Cover Zentrale Ausgestaltungsfragen hinsichtlich eines Förderregimes für Oberleitungs-Hybrid- LKW (OH-Lkw) – Eine (institutionen-) ökonomische Analyse
Beckers, Thorsten; Gizzi, Florian; Jöhrens, Julius; Liedtke, Gernot

Zentrale Ausgestaltungsfragen hinsichtlich eines Förderregimes für Oberleitungs-Hybrid- LKW (OH-Lkw) – Eine (institutionen-) ökonomische Analyse

Join us at
IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.