IKEM supports the practical implementation of the energy transition by developing recommendations for financing, regulation and governance.
The “Kopernikus” research initiative was launched with the objective of developing innovative solutions for the transformation of the energy system. More than 230 partners are working on the four topics “new grid structures”, “storage of renewable energies”, “realignment of industrial processes” and “system integration” – which also includes the ENavi project.
ENavi examines the energy transition as a societal transformation process that affects all sectors (electricity, heat, mobility) and all areas of energy use (households, industry, trade, transport). The project combines scientific analyses with political and social requirements. The central product is a navigation tool aimed at estimating the effects and side effects of economic, political, legal or social measures to decarbonize the energy system.
In ENavi, IKEM combines institutional economic, legal and technical-systemic analyses of the energy transition. The researchers develop recommendations for financing, regulation and governance of the transformation in an exchange with academia and industry partners.
Jahnke, Philipp; Scherwath, Tim; Selinger, Joschka; Held, Denise; Schäfer-Stradowsky, Simon; Teigeler, Michael; Erb, Peter; Schmeink, Virena; Grosse, Benjamin; Kochems, Johannes; Heizmann, Rinus; Werner, Yannick; von Mikulicz-Radecki, Flora; Hohgräve, Arian; Byrtus, Simon; Müller-Kirchenbauer, Joachim
IKEM, BBH, Stadtwerke Heidelberg, TU Berlin. 2020.
Dreyer, Marion et al.
Abschlussbericht des Kopernikus-Projekts ENavi. 2019.
Mercado, José; Becker, Johannes
Kopernikus ENavi – Energiewende-Navigationssystem zur Erfassung, Analyse und Simulation der systemischen Vernetzungen
Principal: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Funding programme: Kopernikus-Projekte für die Energiewende
Project partner: Becker Büttner Held Consulting, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme, GEODE , Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Kisters AG, Reiner-Lemoine-Institut, Technische Universität Berlin, VSE AG, WAGO Kontakttechnik, Wuppertal Institut
Duration: 01/2016–12/2019
© Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility – Law, Economics and Policy e.V.