Bedarfsplanung und Energiewende – Grundlagen, Rechtsrahmen und Ausblick mit Fokus auf Windenergieanlagen an Land
Paula Scholz
Paula Scholz completed her bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Philosophy at the University of Erfurt with a semester abroad at the University of Paris-Nanterre. She gained her first experience at IKEM as an intern and supported the organization of the IKEM Academy. Currently she is studying a Master’s Degree in Politics, Economics and Philosophy […]
Proposal for a nationwide regulation of citizen participation in wind and solar parks
Acceptance for the energy transition depends on involving residents affected by it – this is the premise of a recently published legal study by IKEM on behalf of the Bündnis Bürgerenergie (BBEn) and the Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband (DGRV). Only if wind and solar parks will only be recognized as a positive development in the […]
Klima und Recht (07/2023)
WindEnergy Hamburg 2024
WindEnergy Hamburg is the largest and most important fair for the global wind industry. Planners, manufacturers, suppliers, financiers, operators, service providers and companies of all sizes and orientations meet here. The fair is organized by Hamburg Messe und Congress in cooperation with Messe Husum & Congress. It is the world’s leading fair for the industry […]