IKEM Sustainable Energy Academy in Washington D.C.

Inspired by the Summer Academy ‘Energy and the Environment’s program, IKEM hosted a tailor-made course on the energy transition at the InterAmerican Development Bank.

IKEM hosted the international Sustainable Energy Academy, a three-day intensive  course on the energy transition, at the head office of the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) in Washington D.C. Inspired by the Summer Academy ‘Energy and the Environment’s program, the IDB requested a tailor-made course from IKEM for IDB experts working on energy and climate issues. A delegation of 12 expert speakers – 6 from IKEM and 6 from partner institutions – traveled to Washington DC to spend three days full of presentations, discussions and workshops with the IDB’s selected experts.

The event started on 6 December with discussions on the generation and expansion of renewable energy in Germany, DSO and TSO related challenges, demand side management and energy efficiency. The EU’s Energy Union and renewable energy policy opened the second day, followed by the role of storage/conversion technologies and smart grids. The last day was spent on the evolution and history of renewable energy policy development behind the German energy transition, and the importance of targets in policy and legal frameworks.

The IDB is the main source of multi-lateral financing in Latin America and the Caribbean, and has the capacity to accelerate the continent’s shift towards a renewable energy system. IKEM looks forward to seeing the conclusions of the conference translated into policy and project suggestions, to provide sustainable energy access for all across the Caribbean and the Latin American continent.


Contact Person:
Anika Nicolaas Ponder
Magazinstraße 15-16 , D-10179 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 40 81 87 015

Further Information:

IKEM Summer Academy: Link
IDB Website: Link


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.