IKEM examines operational processes for electrical and thermal energy systems that can stabilize electricity grids.
How can we adapt the heating and electricity grids to make the best use of their potential? The HybridBOT project explores sector coupling measures that optimize their operation. It will develop new approaches for technical implementation, economic feasibility and suitable regulatory frameworks, demonstrating the potential of heat grids as part of a hybrid energy system.
The project focuses on identifying the factors that inhibit or stimulate business models. IKEM will present ideas for reducing potential legal obstacles and maximizing potentials.
Harsch, Victoria; Thomalla, Lioba
Rechtswissenschaftliche Kurzstudie. Erstellt im Rahmen des Projekts HybridBOT_FW. 2022.
HybridBOT_FW – Transformation und Betriebsoptimierung von Wärmenetzen für die Entwicklung hybrider Netzstrukturen zur netzdienlichen Quartiersversorgung
Principal: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Project partner: Becker Büttner Held Consulting, Der Energieeffizienzverband für Wärme, Kälte und KWK e. V. (AGFW), ENERPIPE GmbH, Fraunhofer-Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Energiesystemtechnik, Stadtwerke Neuburg an der Donau
Duration: 07/2021–06/2025
© Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility – Law, Economics and Policy e.V.