Technologies, Standards and Business Models for grid-friendly Assetsharing of Charging Infrastructure

Transportation in Charge

“Please hang in there!”: User Acceptance as a Key Element for a Successful Charging Infrastructure


Driving gender equality: recommendations for more gender-responsive mobility

The distinct needs and experiences of women and men are rarely taken into account in mobility and infrastructure planning, write Katharina Csillak and Sophie Kamenz in a recent analysis. The IKEM researchers propose ways to increase gender equality in practice, using the development of electric charging infrastructure as a case study. ‘Statistics show that most […]
Electric charging infrastructure and gender equality: An overview for USER-CHI (H2020 project)
Planning for charging infrastructure in urban mobility
Zeno Pfeiffer

Zeno Pfeiffer is a Senior Research Associate at IKEM’s Mobility department. He studied industrial engineering at the Technical University of Berlin. After focusing on transportation engineering in his bachelor’s degree, he specialized in energy and resource management during his master’s degree. At IKEM, he is working on various projects related to charging infrastructure in Berlin […]
Sieben Jahre Ladeinfrastrukturaufbau in Berlin

An Interoperability Framework for electromobility (INFRA): The main results from the USER-CHI framework implementation in a new spotlight