ENGAGE-Studie: Soziale Innovationen und Beteiligung von Bürger:innen an der lokalen Energiewende in Deutschland

ENGAGE-Empfehlungen: Soziale Innovationen und Beteiligung von Bürger:innen an der lokalen Energiewende in Deutschland

Energieeffizienz und Lastflexibilität: Chancen und Herausforderungen

In einer Zeit, in der die Komplexität des Energiemarkts und die Anforderungen an eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung steigen, spielt die industrielle Lastflexibilität eine entscheidende Rolle. Beim kommenden Berliner Energiestammtisch wollen wir in dieses Thema eintauchen. Wir sind zu Gast bei enervis energy advisors, einer renommierten Beratungsagentur in der Energiebranche, die ihre Kund:innen dabei unterstützt, fundierte und zukunftsweisende […]
ENGAGE Conference

On September 13, the final event of the ENGAGE project will take place in Berlin. This project has been researching the potential of social innovations – such as citizen participation and community energy – in the energy transition since 2021. At the event, the project partners will present the results of their study and recommendations […]
International cooperation must be at the heart of Ukraine’s energy sector transformation

Leading up to the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC), the Europe Ukraine Energy Transition Hub (EUETH) hosted a high-level discussion on the future of Ukraine’s energy sector and its critical role in the nation’s path toward EU membership. The event highlighted the need for close cooperation between Ukrainian, European and transatlantic partners in order to ensure […]
A way ahead for Ukraine’s energy sector and climate action

For more than two years now, Ukraine has been defying the Russian invasion and the many associated challenges – including in the energy sector. For this newsletter, we spoke to our colleague Ievgeniia Kopytsia about the impact of the war on climate protection, the country’s impressive goals for decarbonizing its energy sector and the cooperation […]
Klima und Recht (05/2024)

QUARREE100 – Erkenntnisse und regulatorische Handlungsoptionen für die strombasierte Wärmeversorgung von Bestandsquartieren

Social innovations and the electricity transition

The ENGAGE project is researching the potential of social innovations for the successful and inclusive implementation of the energy transition. The goals and activities for the remaining six months of the project were discussed at the partner meeting in Berlin. The energy transition can only succeed if we work together – as demonstrated by countless […]