In USER-CHI, IKEM is working on concepts for transnational electromobility in Europe.
Whether in northern or southern Europe, in urban regions or in rural areas – electromobility is still in its early stages. One of the biggest challenges at the moment is interoperability, because the systems for activating the charging station and billing for the electricity refueled differ from provider to provider and from country to country. As a result, cross-border travel with electric vehicles in the EU is currently still associated with numerous difficulties.
The USER-CHI project is therefore developing a platform that will enable Europe-wide interoperability in the parking and charging of e-vehicles. USER-CHI thus defines the technical and legal requirements for publicly accessible charging infrastructure offerings and makes proposals to ensure unrestricted usability in Europe. In the future, it should be possible to charge and pay for electric vehicles within the TEN-T corridors – for example, from Berlin to Barcelona – without having problems with differing regional/national systems. Furthermore, a digital decision support system for site planning for publicly accessible charging infrastructure in municipalities is being developed.
IKEM is conducting research on ethical and data protection issues in the project and is carrying out an impact assessment for the design options developed, taking into account traffic and environmental, as well as economic, aspects.
Csillak, Katharina et al.
Posterbeitrag für die Transport Research Arena 2024, Dublin, Irland. 2024.
Csillak, Katharina; Moreno Kuhnke, Mariana
Transportation Research Procedia. Volume 72. Pages 1926–1933. 2023.
Csillak, Katharina; Kamenz, Sophie
Open Res Europe 2023, 3:47 2023.
Csillak, Katharina
Station of the Future Webinar, Online 2022.
Csillak, Katharina
Transport Research Arena (TRA), Lisbon 2022.
+49 30 408 1870-32
Principal: Europäische Union
Funding programme: Horizon 2020
Project partner: Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo economico sostenibile, Area Metropolitana de Barcelona, Asociacion Espanola De Normalizacion, Budapest Fovaros Onkormanyzata, Circontrol, Cities Forum, City of Florence, City of Murcia, City Of Turku, Digital System Integrator, ENEL X SRL, ETRA Investigacion y Desarrollo, Eurocities, Fit Consulting, Gewobag, Instituto de Biomecanica de Valencia, IPT Technology, qwello, Roma Servizi per la Mobilita, Turku Energia, TVT Asunnot, Varsinais-Suomen Asumisoikeus, VMZ Berlin Betreibergesellschaft
Duration: 02/2020–01/2024
© Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility – Law, Economics and Policy e.V.