AStriD – Autonome Straßenbahn im Depot: Schlussbericht
Autonomes Fahren – „ahoi“ Projekt in Hamburg gestartet
Diversity, sustainability and interdisciplinary solutions
The Mobility department is dedicated to the challenges associated with advancing digitalization and the development of autonomous vehicles. Other focal points include the transition to the use of alternative driving systems and fuels for transportation with as few greenhouse gas emissions as possible, innovative mobility concepts, the design of sustainable logistics, as well as the […]
How fleet quotas and emissions trading contribute to the mobility transition
As part of the EUniS project, IKEM published factsheets that delve into the European Clean Vehicle Directive (CVD) and greenhouse gas quota trading. These factsheets are specifically designed to examine the effects of these instruments on public transport fleet operators. By 2030, the share of clean buses in Europe should be increased to 65 percent. […]
Saubere Fahrzeuge im ÖPNV – auch ohne Quotenhandel
Was bedeutet der Treibhausgas-Quotenhandel für ÖPNV-Betriebe mit E-Bussen?
An overview of energy law and energy reality
The second, completely revised edition of Energierecht und Energiewirklichkeit was released today by the publisher Energie & Management. The handbook, edited by Prof. Christian Held and Dr. Simon Schäfer-Stradowsky, introduces the basics of energy law and explains to readers how the energy world actually works, using practical examples. Energierecht und Energiewirklichkeit is aimed not only […]